Day 69. Today we did more of the same. It would have been a shame not to! We took a quick dip in the sea at Little Oneroa and completed our tour of the island.
We returned to the bach to have a chat with Andrew, the guy renovating the bach who is in fact the world’s nicest builder and local historian (he grew up on the island). We spent some time chatting about various fantasy business propositions we could get involved in on the island for when we take up residence here. These include (i) opening a launderette, (ii) bringing over European cheeses to be eaten with the local wine, and (iii) opening a convenience store which knows how to stock enough bread and beer for the hungry and thirsty locals (which seems to be a problem for the main supermarket). After covering these tempting business opportunities, we discussed the logistics of how Andrew would bury his poor dead horse which is a lot more difficult than burying your goldfish. This turned out to be a community effort where many Waiheke residents were called upon in this time of crisis.

Humungous yucca flower behind Andrew The Builder's van at the back of the bach. We were intrigued at how such a flower could grow seeing as there had been no rain for several months!
All too soon it was time to leave and we took the ferry back to the little smoke of Auckland mainland.