
March 7th, 2010

Day 48.  Sunday.  Today should have been a day of rest but luckily the bells woke us up for church at 7:30am just in time for an 8am Spanish lesson.  We’ve arranged to continue to have private Spanish lessons with Señor Amaury at 8am every day.  We now know how to say:

  • Chevere! – Cool!
  • Sin azucar – Without sugar (otherwise every drink you order comes with a wheelbarrow of sugar)
  • Mas barato? – Any cheaper?

You can get away with guessing many Spanish words, for example, rapido, electronico, possiblemente, programa.  However, there are some words where you can get caught out, for example, nudo means knot, pie means foot and constipación refers to a cold and not your bowel habit!!!

We also learnt that ancient Colombian proverb say:

Casa de herrero, cuchillo de palo!

Blacksmith’s house, wooden knife!

… and …

El que andar con la miel, algo se le pegar!

He who travels with honey will have things stick to him!

We spent much of the day trying local delicacies which mainly involves eating vast quantities of fat as most savoury street foods are fried in a vat of grease by the side of the road.

Lady fries empanadas

Annie eats another patacon! Deep fried plantain is then squashed under a piece of wood. Delicious!

One Response to “Proverbs”

  1. Matt says:

    Patacons look like they should be an addition to my 5 a day!

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